
Sax Troll (Light Brown)

  • Sale
  • $188.95
  • Regular price $195.00
  • 1 available
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Each sax is unique - Toferner saxs are hand-forged with a solid blade that cannot be bent. Everything is the honest work of a blacksmith, a hammer, and an anvil.

Perfect sharpness - the stainless steel knife is perfectly sharp to serve as it should. Thanks to the high-quality craft, the blade stays sharp for a long time.

Focused on details - every detail, decoration, handle wrapped in genuine leather makes the knife more interesting. It's not just a basic sharp knife; it's a work of art.

Leather case - the knife is supplied with a perfectly fitting case made of high-quality leather so that the blade does not cause any damage during transport. The cases are made and decorated by hand.

Two-year warranty - Toferner offers the best quality and also the best customer service! You get a two-year warranty on each product.

The perfect gift - are you trying to come up with the perfect gift? Give this knife, and you will be thanked a hundred times.

Buy now and treat yourself or your friends to an unforgettable moment of happiness.



overall length - 34 cm / 13.38 inches

blade length - 20 cm / 7.87 inches

blade width - 3,5 cm / 1.37 inches


Weight:  620 g / 1.35 lb

Material: 14260 spring steel

Includes leather case


IMPORTANT: Everything is hand forged. There may be a small difference between the dimensions.

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